How tags denied me from listening to songs on my Android phone
Panic! at the Kernel
last update:For quite some time now I’ve been using i3 as my (tiling) window manager of choice. When I just started using it, I’ve coupled it with rxvt-unicode (aka urxvt) only because I noticed many other users of i3 were using it. In a certain point of time after using urxvt, I started to look for an alternative terminal that will be easier to configure and will support copy & paste to and from the clipboard out-of-the-box.
For a very long time I’ve been using Memtest86+ (Memtest86 fork) to test RAM modules. Whether I was overcloking my own PC, debugging blue screens or instabilities, this was my go-to tool. The original Memtest86 was developed by a man named Chris Brady, but was later purchased by PassMark Software, and now being actively developed by them. Memtest86+ on the other hand seems to be abandoned by now, with the latest release date being September 27, 2013.
Hello, World!